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Wrocław from an international perspective

NFM concerts in June

NFM concerts in June

National Forum of Music has a variety of musical events on offer for June. They include the Leo Festival, combining music and painting, a violin concerto by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and a concert by The Wrocław Baroque Orchestra. As usual, IFW members and friends can take advantage of the special prices. For information on dates, times, andRead more about NFM concerts in June[…]

Korean Morning

Korean Morning

Join us for an informative morning dedicated to Korean culture and cuisine. It will be held on Wednesday, May 8th from 10.30am. To find us, zoom in on the map and when you get there, look for the IFW sign on the door. The event is free but due to limited space please register first.

Easter at IFW

Easter at IFW

Just a few days before Easter, on Wednesday April 17th at 10.30am, we would like to invite you for a Polish traditional Easter breakfast. You will have a chance to experience Polish food and hospitality but we will also discuss Easter traditions in other countries around the world. The event will take place in ourRead more about Easter at IFW[…]

French Coffee Morning

French Coffee Morning

Next Wednesday, April 3rd at 10.30 at the IFW clubhouse our friends from France are organizing the French coffee morning. Feel free to come and join us to taste some French specialities and sample the French culture. The event is free to members and non-members alike, just look for the IFW logo on the door.