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Wrocław from an international perspective

French Coffee Morning

French Coffee Morning

Next Wednesday, April 3rd at 10.30 at the IFW clubhouse our friends from France are organizing the French coffee morning. Feel free to come and join us to taste some French specialities and sample the French culture. The event is free to members and non-members alike, just look for the IFW logo on the door.

IFW Book Club

IFW Book Club

On Thursday 6th December at 5pm we’re launching the IFW Book Club! We plan to periodically meet and discuss our favourite books and authors. If you want to learn more this event and meet some new people as well, why not just drop by? It’s free and refreshments will be served. See the map forRead more about IFW Book Club[…]

St Andrew’s Day

St Andrew’s Day

All foreigners and Poles and invited to take part in the St Andrew’s Day celebration. It will be held on Monday 26th November in Barbara (ul. Świdnicka 8b) at 7pm.  You will learn more about this ancient Polish tradition and have an opportunity to participate in games and fortunetelling. This event is one of a seriesRead more about St Andrew’s Day[…]

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning

On Wednesday 21st Novermber at 10.30-12.30pm our weekly Coffee Morning will be partly dedicated to our plans for 2019. If you would like to find out what’s in store for our members in the coming year, feel free to drop by and take tea or coffee with us. It’s free and there are no stringsRead more about Coffee Morning[…]

European Day of Languages 2018

European Day of Languages 2018

On Wednesday 26th September at 10.30am we are celebrating the European Day of Languages!  Feel free to drop by our Clubhouse and join us 🙂 You will be able to see traditional clothes and sample national cuisine from our members home countries. The event is free but please register first at