US Election 2024 meeting

US Election 2024

On November 5th the United States will choose its 47th President. This choice may have important repercussions for Europe too. Join us for a special US Election 2024 meeting on the Halloween night Thursday 31st Oct. at 7pm. What is the Electoral College? Do some states are more important than others? What impact can Elon Musk have on the final result? Can a candidate get more votes but lose the election? Is a tie possible and what happens then? When will we know the results? And most importantly, who’s more likely to win the keys to the White House?

Combining the available facts, expert opinions and a touch of magic, we will try to answer to answer these and other questions. Heck, we might even play YMCA! The meeting is free to attend for members and non-members alike. It will start with a short presentation followed by an open discussion. If you would like to participate in the meeting, just click here to sign up.

2 thoughts on “US Election 2024 meeting

  1. As you know He has said he wants to be A DICTATOR and get rid of the immigrants by putting them in camps. Our country was built by immigrants from all over the world.
    She wants people to be accepted for who they are and have FREEDOM yo choose.
    Personally I don’t like this graphic photo you dif of him putying hid arm around Kamala. As we know of Sexual abuse

    1. Thank you for your comment. The meeting is about the specifics of the US electoral system. We do not endorse any candidate. The graphic is poetic licence designed to correspond to a US holiday which is also becoming popular in Poland.

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